Following the Kick-Off meeting held on October 2017, SDM had organized a Mid-Year Review Meeting at the Six Hatch on March 14, 2018, Wednesday.
The main objective of the meeting was to review the company’s performance for the Q1&Q2 and the progressive plans to continue the momentum for the rest of the year. The meeting started with some fun ice-breaking games, it was then continued with Mr. Ling KK, President addressing the “President Notes”, emphasizing on Employee’s Growth, Welfare & Recognitions.
Frank Lee, General Manager continued the presentation on the FY2020 Goals & Plan, he emphasized several key goals. On top of that, he emphasized that SDM will continue to focus on strengthening our core business values by expanding our solutions offering to include advance new solutions in order for SDM to stay forward compatible with an advantage over our competitors.
The meeting continued with individual presentations by the respective Functional & Sales Heads. The most exciting part of this meeting was the “Design Thinking” session conducted by Yeap & Anwar. Staffs were divided into 3 groups, it was later followed by a presentation from the 3 teams respectively in accordance to the topic given.
The meeting was concluded by Frank on summarizing the priorities for the 2ndhalf of the year and the need for the drive and effectiveness to accomplish the year’s target and objectives.